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About our Studio

Founded by a specialist in 3d modeling, Dersin Studio was born in February 2019.

It all started with the need of engine models for games, Anderson Felipe has started on game modding in early 2013, with the racing game Street Legal Racing Redline. At that time there was almost none 3D engine models available, and his dream was to make a game mod with 50+ engines to be assembled in game.

From there he started to make a 3d model for all the engines he needed, when one day he decided to place the models online for sale to help pay the bills.

It was at this moment he figured out that the same need he had that made him make engine models, was the same one other people around the world also had.

Now the main focus for the team is to build and design models in the best quality and versatility that are not available on the market, and have never seen before.

Dersin Studio preview
Mitsubishi Mirage Dersin Studio
ark 3d background

Our Team:

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